Sabtu, 19 April 2008


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Angin (2)

Berjalan sendiri dalam sunyi..
ditengah rimbunnya semak sepanjang Esselsberg
berusaha menikmati ketiadaanmu....

Siapa yang dapat merasakan kepedihan ini?
Jika tampilan luar begitu kuat?
Tak bolehkah kini goyah..

Aku hanyalah seorang manusia biasa..
Yang tak dapat melawan kata hati
Tak dapat melawan deraan

Apakah angin masih selalu
Menghembuskan kelembutan
Sedangkan ada perangkap 'batasan'?

Jika hadirmu menyakitkanku, mengapa tak berlalu?
Jika hadirku juga menyakitkanmu,
mengapa kau setia menyangkarkanku?

Deru angin yang kau hembus selalu menggemuruh
Kesejukan, kelembutan, ketiadaan, kehilangan
Sesungguhnya semua menyakitkan....

Lalu sesungguhnya, apa arti semua ini?


Tuesday, July 19, 2005 | 5:28 AM

You Still Have Hope

If you can look at the sunset and smile,
then you still have hope.

If you can find beauty in the colors of a small flower,
then you still have hope.

If you can find pleasure in the movement of a butterfly,
then you still have hope.

If the smile of a child can still warm your heart,
then you still have hope.

If you can see the good in other people,
then you still have hope.

If the rain breaking on a roof top can still lull you to sleep,
then you still have hope.

If the sight of a rainbow still makes you stop and stare in wonder
, then you still have hope.

If the soft fur of a favored pet still feels pleasant under your fingertips,
then you still have hope.

If you meet new people with a trace of excitement and optimism,
then you still have hope.

If you give people the benefit of a doubt,
then you still have hope.

If you still offer your hand in friendship to others that have touched your life,
then you still have hope.

If receiving an unexpected card or letter still brings a pleasant surprise,
then you still have hope.

If the suffering of others still fills your with pain and frustration,
then you still have hope.

If you refuse to let a friendship die,or accept that it must end,
then you still have hope.

If you look forward to a time or place of quiet and reflection,
then you still have hope.

If you still buy the ornaments,
put up the Christmas tree or cook the supper,
then you still have hope.

If you can look to the past and smile,
then you still have hope.

If, when faced with the bad,
when told everything is futile,
you can still look up and end the conversation with the phrase...
"yeah...BUT.," then you still have hope.

Hope is such a marvelous thing.It bends, it twists,
it sometimes hides,but rarely does it break.
It sustains us when nothing else can.
It gives us reason to continue and courage to move ahead,
when we tell ourselves we'd rather give in.

Hope puts a smile on our face when the heart cannot manage.
Hope puts our feet on the path when our eyes cannot see it.
Hope moves us to act when our souls are confused of the direction.
Hope is a wonderful thing,something to be cherished and nurtured,
and something that will refresh us in return.

And it can be found in each of us,
and it can bring light into the darkest of places.


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The Lords Prayer
Our Father, who are in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name,
Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day, our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those whotrespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, forever.

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"I love my God. He is my fountain of Life and My Savior.
He Keeps me going day and night.
Without Him, I am no one.
But with Him, I can do everything,
Christ is my strength."

Aku berdoa untuk temanku yang divonis hidupnya tak akan lama lagi.. Berilah kebahagiaan untuk sisa hidupnya, Tuhan.. jangan biarkan dia pergi dalam kesakitan, tunjukkanlah keajaibanMu.....


You are the one,
with whom I'm destined to be,
across space and time,
you are drawn to me,

One love, one life,
we are destined to be,
soulmates forever throughout eternity,
In past lives I have loved you,
In this life I love you too,

And I know if I shall live again,
I am destined to love you,
across space and time,
you are drawn to me,
One love, one life,
we are destined to be,

Soulmates forever throughout eternity,
I know I'll always find you where ever you are,
No matter the consequence,
No matter how far,

Even in death I shall love you more,
to fuel my search to find you,
so we shall love once more,
across space and time,
you are drawn to me

One love, one life,
we are destined to be,
Soulmates forever throughout eternity.

Terkenang Kamu Yang Sudah Berpulang

Di keheningan malam-malamku
Diteduhi gemericik palma dan setangkai mawar
Terkenang kamu yang sudah berpulang

Awan diselimuti kabut yang pekat dan kaku
Matahari enggan menyapa dalam tawar
Hatiku pedih mengenang kamu yang sudah berpulang

Akankan keajaiban sudi menemuiku
Mengembalikan sosokmu ke dalam sangkar
Aku akan menikmati hadirmu saat kau datang

Siapa dapat mengembalikanmu kepadaku
Atau menemani lukaku yang pedih dan liar
Belum dapat kuterima kenyataan kau sudah berpulang


Saat pelukan diketatkan, hati tak sampai
Saat ciuman didaratkan, perasaan terbeku
Saat irama bernyanyi, hanya terdengar suara solis
Sedang sepasang adalah berdua

Saat jam berdetak, irama terdengar parau
Saat waktu terlewati, semua adalah hampa
Saat sendiri, tak terasa sepi
Sedang sendiri bukanlah sepasang

Bagaimana menyatukan irama
Dalam lagu yang sama
Dalam setiap musim
Untuk segala arah dan tujuan?

Angin, Aku Kehilanganmu

Dingin masih saja menggigit
Kurapatkan jaketku berharap hangatnya menyelubungiku
Namun tiupan angin itu begitu keras memburuku

Aku bertahan dalam dinginku
Tubuhku nyaris lunglai diterpa badaimu
Luluh lantak dan hancur berkeping keping terkena panahmu

Aku terus berjalan dalam dingin
Telah terbiasa dengan iramamu
Tanpa kusadari hadirmu kini menyejukkan paruku

Senin kemarin hawa berganti
Dingin tak lagi datang
Matahari begitu serakah membakar kulitku

Aku mencarimu dalam terik
Kemana gerangan kau yang selama ini setia menyapaku
Aku kehilangan sejukmu

Perenunganku akan Dikau

Malam masih dingin, kasih
Minumlah seteguk anggur
Angin mesra yang kau kirim dari negeri jauh
menyapaku lewat khayal

Aku tak dapat melihatmu
Namun dapat merasakan hadirmu
Rengkuhanmu yang lembut
juga desah nafasmu dalam imajinasi

Aku ingin kau selalu berada didekatku
Menemani hidup dan keseharianku
Janganlah pergi dan menjauh
lalu tiada

Akankah Kau selalu setia
Menyangkarkan keleluasaanMu
Sedang aku begitu liar
Kendalikan emosiku, nalarku dan segalaku

Aku memujamu
dan selalu akan memujamu
Walau hanya keajaiban
yang dapat mempertemukan kita

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